Step 1: Create or Edit a Record
First, you’ll need to create a new record in TeamPassword or select an existing one you’d like to add TOTP to. If you're adding TOTP to an existing account, click on the "Edit" option.
Create a new record
Edit existing record
Step 2: Locate the TOTP Secret Key
Next, locate the TOTP secret key for the account you want to protect with MFA.
This key is typically found near the QR code you would scan when setting up MFA in an external authenticator app like Google Authenticator. Example: ("JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP")
Or, you can use a Key URI Format string: ("otpauth://totp/Example:[email protected]?secret=JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP&issuer=Example")
Since you’re using TeamPassword’s built-in authenticator, you’ll copy this key instead of scanning the QR code.
Step 3: Enter the TOTP Secret Key in TeamPassword
Once you have the secret key, navigate back to TeamPassword. You’ll see a field labeled Auth Secret (TOTP) in the record you're working on. Paste the secret key into this field.
Step 4: Save the Record
Finally, save the record. Now, every time you access this account, TeamPassword will generate the current TOTP code for you, making it easy to log in without needing a separate authenticator app.
The code changes every 30 seconds.
When green, the code is still valid. When red, it is about to change. Shortly after displaying red, the code will update to a new one.